As the group leader, I've been looking into different group planning methods.
I used to use google calendar, as I could allow others to subscribe to it, and could clearly see the dates of the tasks. Though as more tasks overlapped - which they will - it became cluttered and difficult to see what was most important.
Ideally I want some kind of Gantt Chart of a year, that can be zoomed into for months.
We're using freedcamp at the moment, because it's a free service that allows users to remotely view the same information - our milestones and planning deadlines.
I've seen a website that offers a Gantt chart view, and also some PC software that does the same - it's just a case of finding something that everyone can use and open (as it may come down to having a file on dropbox that's constantly updated). The problem with the PC software, is that Simone is using a we need to find something that will work on both..
Something I've found myself doing is over-estimating how long things take to build and complete. My estimations of time (especially during time in uni) are a little too long, and I think realistically we can complete tasks much quicker. Even though my personal deadline is quite a while before the actual hand-in, I still think that the milestones are generous.
I've recently found GanttProject, a PC/MAC software that should enable us to view the project as Gantt/Brainstorm etc and gives flexible dates and responsibilities. I'll start filling it with the information I already put into FreedCamp.
The beauty of this project is that I can visually see all of the milestones, which ones overlap and assign people to the individual tasks. They're also colour coded as to the type of work (concept blue, modelling red).
There's also a wonderful resources tab that people can open to see which tasks they personally have to complete.
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